The 35 Greatest Pleasures Of Human Existence

The little pleasures of life that go unnoticed every other day

Emeka Nwanedo
3 min readJan 22, 2023
Photo by Thiago Cerqueira on Unsplash

Life is short and no one will live forever.

In your limited time on earth, what are the experiences you’ve personally considered as the most meaningful and pleasurable?

Maybe it’s having the best sex ever, hanging out with your loved ones, or just eating the most amazing junk food all by yourself.

There are a lot of simple pleasures in life that bring us day to day happiness, most of which we ignore or hardly ever remember.

Sometimes when we take our time to reflect on these little pleasurable things we’ve experienced over the years, it’s the best thing we can ever do for our mental health.


Because reliving old pleasurable memories can add more color to your gloomy days and more life to your years.

You know what, it won’t hurt at all to write down, mention or at least, remember some of your most pleasurable life experiences.

Here’s a couple of the best I could gather — all of which I have experienced personally.

I hope you can relate to at least one of them.

  1. Receiving that ‘Congratulations, you’re hired’…



Emeka Nwanedo

2X Top Writer. An ex-banker who’s now dedicated to lifelong learning. A proud dad of 2 lovely kids and a published researcher.