How I Remember Everything I Read

Follow these steps to enhance your book reading retention rate

Emeka Nwanedo
11 min readAug 9, 2021

As entrepreneurs, creators or regular people who just want to improve their lives, reading great books can be a game changer because we make better decisions when we borrow wisdom from the smartest brains out there.

It’s no wonder we can’t wait to rush to the next book on our to-read lists.

But if you read a lot of books, you might be facing a challenge of remembering what you read.

There’s really no point reading a lot of books if we keep forgetting what we read and as such can’t apply the wisdom to our lives.

So the most important question remains: how do we remember everything we read?

I’ve been experimenting with a lot of techniques for a while and as at now, here are the 13 most effective practices I can recommend, arranged from simplest to hardest.

1. Don’t count the number of books you read

Keeping count makes you feel like you’re in a reading competition. It convinces you to set book-reading targets, and targets demand a sense of urgency.

You’re pressed for time to finish a book because you want to increase your book count. When this happens, your…



Emeka Nwanedo

2X Top Writer. An ex-banker who’s now dedicated to lifelong learning. A proud dad of 2 lovely kids and a published researcher.