5 Solid Reasons To Be Proud Of Yourself In 2022

Friendly reminders as the year finally comes to an end

Emeka Nwanedo
4 min readDec 27, 2022
Photo by Lukas Rychvalsky on Unsplash

Isn’t this that time of the year where everyone tends to be the most reflective?

We look through January to December and start to think about how much we crushed our goals or (most likely) how much of a mess we were at doing so.

I know..

Things don’t always go as planned so we have to re-plan or re-strategise at the end of each year.

But this year was a lil bit different wasn’t it?

I think it was too fast and rather confusing. To be honest, if you managed to crush anyone of your goals, congrats, you’re the real G!

But if you’re anything like me, haha, just relax, read on, and find out why you should still be proud of yourself right now.

1. You weathered the storm of confusion pretty well

Take a quick drone-view of the year so far: we’ve suffered insane inflation surges all over the world, stock market decline, FTX crash, heat waves, droughts, flooding, Omicron, and the Ukraine invasion.

Oh, even the beloved Queen passed away.



Emeka Nwanedo

2X Top Writer. An ex-banker who’s now dedicated to lifelong learning. A proud dad of 2 lovely kids and a Master’s degree holder in Psychology.